Home Grange Insurance Columbus Business First Honors Grange COO and CIO with 2018 C-Suite Awards

Columbus Business First has announced Grange COO Doreen DeLaney Crawley and CIO Tim Cunningham among the winners of its 2018 C-Suite Awards.

In its fifth year, the C-Suite Awards celebrates the region’s most accomplished business leaders. An emphasis was placed this year on nominating leaders who inspire and encourage their peers. Those nominated serve the region as examples of integrity and excellence.

“We mixed things up for the 2018 C-Suite Awards by asking the region’s business leaders to tell us who inspires and encourages them. We accepted nominations for top CEOs, COOs, CFOs, and others this spring, then turned the voting over to them to find the cream of the crop,” said Doug Buchanan, editor in chief for Columbus Business First. “I think you’ll agree the results speak for themselves.”

Forty leaders were chosen in several categories including institutions, for-profit companies and non-profit organizations. For private companies, categories were separated by company size. Two leaders were also honored with a lifetime achievement award.

Crawley was recognized with one other leader in the COO category, while Cunningham was recognized with two other leaders in the CIO category.